is a graphic design studio based in Amsterdam. The work is conceptual as well as intuitive. With an approach where the visual part triggers the viewer, but stays also true to it’s narrative. Trying to tell stories, and to get the viewer into a contemplative state of mind. With a believe in a refined way of designing, in which materials and typography are important elements. 

Please get in touch, if you would like to have more information: mail, +316 1142 2 807

VKG–BP 0.71
Wibautstraat 150
1091 GR Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Honors and Awards:
Best Dutch Book Designs 2023 (Tonia)
Best Dutch Book Designs 2023 (Manie Schaafijs)
Best Dutch Book Designs 2021 (Bigi Kayman)
Best Dutch Book Designs 2020 (Klimaatverdriet)
Best Dutch Book Designs 2019 (Franklin)
Best Books of the World Bronze Medal 2016 (Het meest geloofde sprookje)
Best Dutch Book Designs 2015 (Het meest geloofde sprookje)
Fontanel Young Talent 2013
Best graduation thesis, HKU, 2013

Publications, Contributions and Exhibitions:
Jury Member Best Dutch Books 2023
Dutch Designers Yearbook 2020
Exhibition NIOD, Amsterdam, 2020 (Franklin)
Exhibition Vrijthof, Maastricht, 2020 (Franklin)
Exhibition Bevrijdingsmuseum, Groesbeek, 2020 (Franklin)
Exhibition Orde & Chaos, Amersoort, 2019
Interview on Monsterkamer, 2019
7 days on Fontanel, 2019
Interview on AIGA Eye for design, 2017
Contribution Kalendar book by Stichting Print, 2017
Interview on Swine Daily, 2016
Exhibition KO150 Pictura Gallery, 2014
Publication ID-Pure (Swiss) magazine, issue 33, 2014
Exhibition Fontanel Young talent, 2013

HKU, Utrecht (2018–ongoing)
MIADA, Chongqing, 2015

Selection of clients:
AORTA/Dag van de Architectuur, Augustin Rebetez, Atlas Contact, Das Mag Uitgevers, De Dakhaas, De Speld, Ekko, European Cultural Foundation, Expodium, Hogeschool voor de kunsten Utrecht, Kapitaal, KITLV, Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam, Kulturstiftung Schloss Agathenburg, Le Guess Who?, NOS Met het oog op morgen, Pluim, Querido, ROSE Stories, SAS, Singer Laren, Société jurassienne d’Émulation, Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Superfirm, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, Uitgeverij Ten Have, Uitgeverij Vrijdag, Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam, De Vormforensen, Waanders.

Pictures mainly made by: Michiel Spijkers, Zindzi Zwietering