Das Mag
200 × 125, 210 × 135 mm / offset print

Series of books for publisher Das Mag:
Een goede nachtrust, (A Good Night’s Sleep). Novel by Peter Buurman / De nieuwe rivier, (The new river). Novel by Eva Meijer / Ook mijn Holocaust, (Also my Holocaust). Non-fiction novel by Maurits de Bruijn / Rustig aan tijger, (Take it easy tiger). Novel by Joost de Vries.
Moeder af, (Mother off). Novel by Fen Verstappen. / Julian. Non-fiction novel by Fleur Pierets / Ik heb een fiets gekocht, (I bought a bicycle). Poems by Gerschin Bonevacia / Zelfverwoestingsboek (Selfdestruction Book), Non-fiction by Marian Donner / Nachtouders, (Nightparents). Novel by Saskia de Coster.
Laura H. Non-fiction book by Thomas Rueb / De Geesten, (The Ghosts). Novel by Yves Petry / Na Mattias, After Mattias). Novel by Peter Zantingh.
Vertel me het einde, (Tell Me How It Ends). Essaybundle by Valeria Luiselli / En we noemen hem, (And we call him). Non-fiction novel by Marjolijn van Heemstra.
Een goede nachtrust, (A Good Night’s Sleep). Novel by Peter Buurman / De nieuwe rivier, (The new river). Novel by Eva Meijer / Ook mijn Holocaust, (Also my Holocaust). Non-fiction novel by Maurits de Bruijn / Rustig aan tijger, (Take it easy tiger). Novel by Joost de Vries.
Moeder af, (Mother off). Novel by Fen Verstappen. / Julian. Non-fiction novel by Fleur Pierets / Ik heb een fiets gekocht, (I bought a bicycle). Poems by Gerschin Bonevacia / Zelfverwoestingsboek (Selfdestruction Book), Non-fiction by Marian Donner / Nachtouders, (Nightparents). Novel by Saskia de Coster.
Laura H. Non-fiction book by Thomas Rueb / De Geesten, (The Ghosts). Novel by Yves Petry / Na Mattias, After Mattias). Novel by Peter Zantingh.
Vertel me het einde, (Tell Me How It Ends). Essaybundle by Valeria Luiselli / En we noemen hem, (And we call him). Non-fiction novel by Marjolijn van Heemstra.
Das Mag
240 × 170 mm / offset print
2017, 2018

Tori tells the adventure of three brave human children: Cel, Bones and Zi. Their father, the giant tortoise Jean-Michel, is a real 'tori-man', a storyteller. His stories are so popular that often half of the people of the island gather around the campfire to listen to him. But then one day, the envious Fox stands in front of the door in his blinded limo and unpleasant plans. Armed with a pencil sword, a strong Colossus shield and an enigmatic tiger claw, the three children come to their aid. Are they up to the evil Fox?
Trobi is the following up story of Tori. The the tiger claw gets stolen and the saga continues...
Story and drawings by Brian Elstak. Background of cover by Butterfingaz.
Trobi is the following up story of Tori. The the tiger claw gets stolen and the saga continues...
Story and drawings by Brian Elstak. Background of cover by Butterfingaz.
Das Mag, De Groene Amsterdammer
200 × 125 mm / offset print
2019, 2020

De nieuwe feministische leeslijst
(The New Feminist Reading List) is a collection of hymns and caveats with old and new heroes, radical thinkers, gentle loners and dreamers and drammers such as Sylvia Plath, Maggie Nelson, Clarice Lispector, Renate Dorrestein and Audre Lorde. With essays by Niña Weijers, Mounir Samuel, Bregje Hofstede, Franca Treur, Fiep van Bodegom, Roos van Rijswijk and Clarice Gargard, among others. Compiled by Marja Pruis.
Jongens waren we
(Boys We Were) is a collection of hymns and caveats with old and new heroes, radical thinkers, gentle loners and dreamers and drammers such as Marja Pruis, Rob van Essen, Maxim Februari, Niña Weijers, Lotfi El Hamidi, Theodor Holman, Joost de Vries, Rasit Elibol and Miriam Rasch, among others. Compiled by Jan Postma.
(The New Feminist Reading List) is a collection of hymns and caveats with old and new heroes, radical thinkers, gentle loners and dreamers and drammers such as Sylvia Plath, Maggie Nelson, Clarice Lispector, Renate Dorrestein and Audre Lorde. With essays by Niña Weijers, Mounir Samuel, Bregje Hofstede, Franca Treur, Fiep van Bodegom, Roos van Rijswijk and Clarice Gargard, among others. Compiled by Marja Pruis.
Jongens waren we
(Boys We Were) is a collection of hymns and caveats with old and new heroes, radical thinkers, gentle loners and dreamers and drammers such as Marja Pruis, Rob van Essen, Maxim Februari, Niña Weijers, Lotfi El Hamidi, Theodor Holman, Joost de Vries, Rasit Elibol and Miriam Rasch, among others. Compiled by Jan Postma.